Personal Injuries and Wrongful Death
Largay Law 's 30+ years of experience includes nearly every manner of Accident and Injury with tens of MILLIONS of dollars recovered via thousands of insurance claims, settlements and 100+ JURY trial verdicts.
A sampling of THE personal injury cases we HAVE handleD includes:
- Auto/Car Accidents
- Truck, Trailer and 18-wheeler Crashes.
- Brain Injuries
- Animal and Dog Attack/Bites
- Bicycle Accidents
- Motorcycle Accidents
- Burn Injuries
- Construction Accidents
- Injuries to Minors and Children
- Insurance Claims and Disputes
- Slip & Fall Accidents - Premises Liability
Medical Errors and Malpractice
A sampling of the Medical malpractice cases we HAVE handleD includes:
- Missed diagnoses – Cancer, intestinal obstruction, and intestinal tears that led to death or prolonged recovery.
- Delayed diagnosis – operative misadventures
- Lack of informed consent – extensive surgery versus minor
- Anesthesia errors – too much anesthetic, delayed observation
- Surgical injuries – perforation of the intestine with delayed diagnosis
- Obstetric, labor, and delivery surgical injuries
- Orthopedic surgical injuries
- Spinal cord stimulator injuries
- Improperly prescribed, dispensed, or filled medication or dosages
- Unreasonable conduct of a physician or healthcare provider
- Patient neglect
- Nursing home abuse, malnutrition, and bedsores
Criminal Defense and PFA's/Restraining Orders
A sampling of CRIMINAL cases we HAVE handleD includes:
Offenses Against the Person
- Murder and Felony Murder - Jury and Bench Trials.
- Manslaughter - Several Vehicular and Assault Manslaughter cases.
- Assault, Aggravated Assault - Over 50+ Assault Cases/Trials.
- Criminal Threatening - with or without Dangerous Weapons.
- Terrorizing & Stalking & Domestic Violence Accusations
- Sexual Assaults - (Prospective Clients must not fail polygraph examinations.)
- Thefts & Stolen or Converted Property Crimes - Cash, Contracts & Physical Property.
- Drugs – Unlawful or Illegal Use, Possession, Cultivation, Furnishing & Trafficking.
- Burglary & Criminal Trespass - Residence or Commercial Properties.
- Bail Issues – Setting Bail, Alternatives to Bail, Bail Modifications & Challenges.
- Computer Crimes
- Robbery
- Forgery and Related Offenses
- Arson & Terrorizing
- Prostitution & Public Indecency
- Unlawful Gambling
- Fraud & Embezzlement
- Firearms & Weapons Offenses - Prohibited Person, Unlawful Possession
- Search and Seizure issues: including Search Warrants and Dealing with the Police.
- Alternative Sentencing Advocacy - Probation, Early Release, Pardons, Sealing of Records and Alternatives to Jail or Prison.
Referrals to Largay Law
The Majority of our Claims and Cases are referred by Attorneys and other Professionals or Former Clients.
We make the process seamless and easy - Call: (207) 947-4LAW (4529) or Text to: (207) 944-4LAW (4529)
If we can help answer any of the immediate and pressing questions every person or family has when a loved one is injured or killed through the negligence of another individual or corporate irresponsibility.
Email us at: Chris@LargayLaw.com if you'd like your Claim or Case reviewed. There is NO Charge for Consultations with Attorneys in any practice area or for Prospective Clients to discuss your Injury and Medical Claims or Cases.
We regularly field questions like: Who pays my bills? Who pays for my car damages? The Insurance Co. is requesting my Medical Records - must I release them? I am hurt and don't know what to do or who to see? I am losing a lot of income being out of work - will I get paid back what I'm losing? The Insurance Co. wants to cut me a check - I'm still hurt and treating! Do I need a Lawyer? (Ans.: YES).
Injuries, Deaths and Crimes Lawyer
About Largay Law
Attorney Largay leads a team of trained Legal Assistants and Paralegals, and the firm works with several Legal Nurse Consultants and Experts in all aspects of Medicine and Criminal Defense.
Our Firm's Motto: Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum: "If you want peace, prepare for War!"
Through Investigation and Research, Continuous Legal and Medical Education and Training, and the use of the latest Technology Tools, we leverage our size with resources to handle about any case within our practice areas.
The Firm has handled over 100 Jury Trials and 500+ Bench Trials and Complex Motion Hearings, as well as dozens of professional board hearings before the Maine Real Estate Commission (Realtors); The Appraisal Board (Appraisers); the Board of Nursing (CNA's, RN's); the Board of Licensure in Medicine (MD's, DO's); the Maine Department of Marine Resources (DMR, Lobstermen); the Department of Health and Human Services; and other Licensing Boards, Commissions and Departments of Government.
In the Personal Injury practice, the firm has resolved Thousands of Insurance Claims and in the Medical Malpractice realm, Attorney Largay has filed Notices of Claim (Private Providers and State or Federal Hospitals) and resolved dozens of serious claims of injury and death through the Medical Malpractice Screening Panel process or Court.
Injuries, Deaths and Crimes Legal Team
Meet the team
The Team at Largay Law has over 60 years of combined legal experience in law practice management, client relations and handling nearly every manner of cases. We utilize the latest technology, investigative tools, medical experts and research to gain competitive advantages in our Clients' Cases.
Today, we focus on discrete areas of the law, including: Serious Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Medical Malpractice and select Criminal Defense Cases.